
When to See ENT Doctor in East Delhi For Dizziness?

  Did you know 40% of adults reported experiencing some type of dizziness (commonly known as Vertigo)? In fact, the most common symptom that patients experience during vertigo is light hardness. Vertigo or dizziness can be caused due to many underlying issues including problems like inner ear, viral or bacterial infection. If you ever experience dizziness or know someone who has a balance disorder then you must visit the best ENT doctor in East Delhi. When should you see an ENT doctor for vertigo? The majority of the people who experience dizziness describe vertigo as spinning in the head, ringing in the ears, tiredness, confusion, heavy-headedness, and more. Here are signs to look for:  Sudden headache Double vision Difficulty to walk  Lack of concentration Chest pain Fainting Seizure Confusion Irregular breathing Some common dizziness symptoms are:  The patients experiencing dizziness reported symptoms like the spinning of the head, off-balance, tilting, or being pulled in one direc

Finding the Best Child ENT Specialist in Delhi

  There are many  Paediatric ENT doctors   available in Delhi, however, you need to choose the right one for your child. The ENT doctor you choose must offer the best quality treatment for your child's ear, nose, and throat issues. As we all know, the ENT issues in children are getting more complicated nowadays and hence require great expertise to attain the best cure. So, how do you find the best ENT who is right for your child? Here are some important tips you can use while choosing the right   ENT doctor for your kid in Delhi. Check for Referrals : Referral is always beneficial as it comes from one's personal experience. So you can check for recommendations with your child’s primary care doctor or your family, friends, and other healthcare providers. Research the ENT’s Credentials : You must check the credentials of the ENT doctor you choose. Heck that he has all the proper certificates, necessary training, skills, and experience to offer health care in otolaryngology. Also,

What is Sleep Apnea?

  Sleep Apnea happens when a patient suffering from improper breathing. sleep apnea is a serious disorder in which a body did not get enough oxygen that result's loud snoring and unsleepiness.  Types of Sleep Apnea There are three types of sleep apnea: 1. OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA (OSA) - Airway hindrance during sleeping or breathing usually resumes because of snoring. In Obstructive Sleep Apnoea throat muscles not working actively due to which airway blocked.  2. CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA (CSA) - It happens when brain muscles are not getting the signals to breathe due to which Central nervous system gets affected. 3. COMPLEX SLEEP APNEA-  It occurs when both patients are suffering from both obstructive and central sleep apnea. Symptoms  Following are some of the common type of symptoms of sleep apnea: Loud Snoring Xerostomia (dry mouth) Depression and anxiety  Irritability Insomnia  Tiredness  Mouth breathing  If you have any of the above symptoms immediately consult with the doctor. S

When should I see a child ENT doctor?

  ENT( Ear, Nose, and Throat ) doctors or Otorhinolaryngologists are specialists in dealing with problems related to ear, nose, throat, mouth etc. The person may get diagnosed by pain in the ear, issue in breathing, issue while swallowing and speaking. There is no restriction of age while treating the patient, ENT doctor can treat a child of 3 months to complete adults.  All the symptoms are compiled below for you so that you check whether you have those symptoms or not and then visit the experienced ENT doctor as soon as possible.  Symptoms of the ear  Blockage of the ear which is also known as glue ear, this particular problem is often seen in children when their ear is blocked with the fluid. The doctor removes the unnecessary fluid which acts as a hindrance while hearing.  An ear infection is caused and due to which the patient suffers from severe pain in the ear. Ear clinic in Delhi does an amazing job of treating the ear. Hearing loss or deafness is one of the most serious